The functions of Industry Institute Interaction Cell (III Cell) of SITAMS are to expose industrial atmosphere to engineering students and inspire them for subsequent placements in industries across the country. Better interaction between Technical institutions and industry is the need of the advanced technical era. This will have great impact on the Engineering Curriculum.

With the progress of globalization and opening up of Indian economy to outside world, competition among industries has become stiff. To solve their engineering problems they look up now for state-of-the-art from Engineering Institutions. Similarly, there is an urgent need to prepare engineering students for jobs in multinational companies, by exposing them to newer technologies and engineering methodologies. These factors envisage the necessity of III cell in every engineering institution.

Industry – Institution Interaction Cell is formed to assist students in making and implementing informed industrial choices with an objective to create awareness and personal experience among the students for their future profession. These objectives can only be achieved well by bridging the gap between industry and the academic institute. Thus III Cell creates adequate ambience to promote industry-institute interaction so as to meet the growing and developmental needs of the industry and to coordinate various activities of the two systems as given below:


  • Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development.
  • Arranging visits of staff members to various industry.
  • Organizing Workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the faculty from educational institutions and experts from the industries.
  • Encouraging engineers from industries to visit Engineering Institution to deliver lectures.
  • Professional consultancy by the faculty to industries.
  • Industrial testing by faculty & technicians at site or in laboratory.
  • Joint research programs and field studies by faculty and people from industries.
  • Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
  • Visits of industry executives and practicing engineers to the Institute for seeing research work and laboratories, discussions and delivering seminars on industrial practices, trends and experiences.
  • Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
  • Human resource development programs by the faculty for practicing engineers.
  • Collaborative degree programs.
  • B.Tech. and M.Tech. projects/ dissertation work in industries under joint guidance of the faculty and experts from industry.
  • Practicing industrial personnel taking up M.Tech./Ph.D. programme in SITAMS.
  • Short-term assignment to faculty members in industries.
  • Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
  • R&D Laboratories sponsorship by industries at the Institute.
  • Scholarships/fellowships instituted by industries at the Institute for students.
  • Arranging project work for the students in industries.
  • III cell interacts with industries and organizations and co-ordinates for the activities of mutual interest for the organization as well as institution.
  • It also carries out activities in coordination with placement cell so as to provide internship to students based on the industrial requirements.
  • Arranging Industrial visit for students, Guest lecture from industry.
  • Co-ordinate for Memorandum of understanding with industries for Partnerships activities.
  • The Cell motivates and counsels the students to realize their potential.
  • To provide guidance to the students about suitable industries where they can master their skills.
  • The Cell also effectively uses the valuable services of its alumni working in the reputed companies for campus placements as they also provide valuable assistance.
  • III cell, after constant interaction with industries for enhancing employability through internship training in appropriate skills in suitable industries for enriching the knowledge with the following objectives.
  • To prepare students for future employment in their chosen engineering discipline.
  • Internship Training enhances the academic material studied at University by allowing students to practice what they have learned and to develop key professional attributes.
  • Opportunity for students to experience the discipline of working in a professional engineering organization is also achieved by internship.
  • To develop understanding of the functioning and organization of a business.
  • To help students to interact with other professional and non-professional groups.
  • To develop technical, interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and written Internship training also gives employers an opportunity to assess future employees.
  • Demonstrate commitment and ability to take responsibility, make sound decisions, and apply technical skills will be highly regarded.
  • To apply engineering methods such as design and problem solving.
  • At last, Internship training gives students an opportunity to evaluate future employers as well as enabling informed decisions about the discipline and career paths to follow.