Curriculum Development Cell

Composition of CD Cell

Head of the institute (Principal) – Chairman

Heads of various disciplines- Program Coordinators

Department Academic Experts- Module Coordinators

Industry representative – Members

Controller of Examinations- Members

Functions of CD Cell

Reformulate the existing curriculum by considering the suggestions obtained from internal and external stakeholders for enhancing the quality of technical education to international standard.

Arrange the curriculum development meeting among internal & external stakeholders for reviewing the existing and proposed curriculum.

Preparing the proposal of the curriculum design and development for the revision

Get the approval of proposal from Board of studies (OS), Academic Council (AC) and Governing Council (GC).

Process of Curriculum Development

 The Chairman, Curriculum Development Cell initiates the process of curriculum design, development and updates. 

 The Board of Study of the department collects and documents the inputs from the stakeholders of the program – students, parents, alumni, teachers, apex agencies, employers and industry.

 The data is discussed in meeting with internal experts of the BOS to evolve the necessary inputs for the design of program curriculum.

 The Curriculum designed by identifying the broad knowledge areas based on the Professional Societies, AICTE model curriculum, Industrial needs, feedback from stakeholders and Curriculum of reputed Institutes.

 Listing the courses under each knowledge area in ascending order of complexity.

 Preparing the prerequisite flow chart of courses

 Preparing the course content to achieve sequence, continuity, integration articulation and balance.

 The course content prepared by individual faculty experts is reviewed by the module and program coordinators.  These are discussed and reviewed by external experts of reputed Institutions such as NIT’s, IITs and other institutions. The necessary suggestions are incorporated and the draft course content is made ready.

 The draft course content is put up as the agenda for the meeting of BOS.  The external experts in the BOS also peruse and suggest for the design and development of program curriculum.

 The proposed curriculum by the BOS is put up for the discussion in Department Assessment and Quality improvement committee and Curriculum Development Cell.  Then same will be sending to approval of the academic council.  It is then proposed for approval in the Governing Body meeting.  The approved program curriculum is implemented for the program by the department.